
A programme for students to learn how to safely manage anger.
This programme is designed to teach students how to safely manage their anger.
We advocate and educate for their protection from all forms of abuse.
We aim to uphold the rights of children, as taonga.
The programme is delivered as a one on one session where students participate for one hour once a week for four weeks.
Parent/caregiver support is essential.
Students will learn about:
- The Anger Rules
- What is anger?
- What is violence?
- Identify the difference between Clean Anger and Dirty Anger
- Identify triggers and find ways to express their anger in a safe way
- Strengthening relationships between whanau, friends and in the community
- The difference between aggressive and assertive behaviour
- What is bullying?
Phone: 07 348 6191 / Fax: 07 348 6192 / Email: mana.reception@outlook.com
Office: 1231 Haupapa Street, Ground Floor, Rotorua / Postal Address: PO Box 775, Rotorua 3040